Mastering the Holiday Chaos: Applying Stoic Wisdom for Inner Peace On Earth

In the midst of the bustling holiday season, our lives often transform into a whirlwind of festivities, obligations, and expectations. It's a time when stress levels skyrocket, and the pursuit of perfection can overshadow the joyous moments. Yet, amid this chaos, the ancient wisdom of Stoicism offers us a guiding light—a philosophy that teaches us not only how to survive but thrive during these spirited times.

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Jason Wright
Unlocking the Power of Adult Stem Cells: Revolutionizing Regenerative Health

Stem cells have been a hot topic in the field of biology for years, and for good reason. These cells are unique because they have the ability to develop into different cell types and repair damaged tissues. What's even more fascinating is that stem cells have a longer lifespan than other cells in our body, making them invaluable in the quest to combat the effects of aging. But what sets stem cells apart from other cells? Well, for starters, unlike specialized cells like muscle or skin cells, stem cells can divide and create more stem cells as well as other types of cells. So, whether you're interested in the science behind longevity or intrigued by the idea of harnessing stem cells to repair our bodies, there's no denying their potential.

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Jason Wright
The "C" Word...Get Some!

It was the eighth grade. I was elated. I didn’t want anyone to know I was elated, but I was. I had just been nominated for class favorite. I know it’s silly, but it was eighth grade. At the time, it meant a lot, even if I did have to respond with an “Aww shucks, I’m so glad just to have been nominated.”

I remember walking into the lunchroom that day and being greeted by Amy Cameron. She walks up to me with her very rare accent in the small East Texas town of Sulphur Springs, a northern accent, and declared, “You're not even gonna win. Clint Murray is going to be the class favorite.”

I just kind of smiled and nodded. It crushed me. My confidence had just been taken to the wood chipper.

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Jason Wright
Today We Are Living In Tomorrow's Good Ole Days

What if we are actually living in the "good old days"? I'm someone who has spent a great deal of my life being nostalgic for the past, anxious for the future, and completely disregarding the present. And that's a problem. As I've tried to correct this habit that has plagued me for years, I've come to realize something profound: We are currently living in tomorrow's "good old days."

This realization struck me last night when I attended my first hometown homecoming football game since graduating high school. As I sat there, I couldn't help but think about how those were supposed to be the days I'd look back on as the "good old days." But, by being more mindful and present in the moment, I understood that the present time we're living in right now will one day be our "good old days."

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Jason Wright
Note To Self-Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks

Jim Rohn, a personal development luminary, holds a special place in my heart. He was like the Obi-Wan Kenobi to Tony Robbins, dispensing wisdom and life-changing insights. One of his most cherished mantras? "Be ready when opportunity knocks."

Here I am, often tirelessly hunting for opportunities, yet I've overlooked the importance of being prepared for when those opportunities come knocking. This, my friend, is a glaring issue. If opportunity beats at my door, I want to greet it with arms wide open.

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Jason Wright
Stop Saying Your Employees Work "With" You When They Work "For" You

My father owned a tire shop in my hometown of Sulphur Springs. On any given day, it was like Floyd's Barber Shop from "The Andy Griffith Show."

Farmers and other local businessmen would gather at W.G. Tire to discuss the upcoming hunting season, how many calves their herd had produced that spring, or what their wives had done to annoy them.

I loved going to what we simp

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Jason Wright
Note to Self For Today by Jason Wright

Do this today. Don’t overthink what’s right; just do it. Don’t waste time. If you are wondering whether you are wasting your time, ask yourself, is this task taking me closer to my life’s purpose?

Smile. Smile a lot. If you find yourself wandering down the rabbit hole of social media, remind yourself that just because you have a response to a post doesn’t mean you have to share it. If you do, before posting, ask yourself, does this response reflect the 'brand' or image I want to portray to the world.

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Jason Wright
Ozempic or Berberine?

In my quest for knowledge, I stumbled upon comparisons between Berberine and Ozempic made by social media influencers. While I'm not one to be overly cynical, I find this analogy a bit far-fetched. For me, Berberine serves as a valuable supplement for gut health and glucose management. Can I confidently say it suppresses my appetite? I'm less certain.

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Jason Wright
Liberating Yourself from False Obligations: Embracing Authenticity and Self-Respect

One of the fundamental aspects of self-improvement is understanding and preserving our boundaries. Every individual has a unique set of values and principles that guide their decisions and actions. When we answer a wrong number or engage in activities that conflict with our beliefs, we betray ourselves and erode our self-esteem. Setting clear boundaries allows us to uphold our integrity and remain true to our authentic selves.

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Jason Wright
"I don't think Jay-sus would like that."

It must have been around 1989 when my best friend in the whole world, Damon Wilks, and I were taken to a church camp as Junior Counselors. Our main responsibility was to serve as sort of big brothers to the younger campers.

During that time, the movie "Big" had recently come out, and Damon and I had watched it numerous times. We saw a lot of our friendship reflected in the characters Billy and Josh. There was a little chant they would do that went something like this:

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Jason Wright
Procrastination-The Pain Pleasure Paradox: Why do we choose short term nothingness over long term success?

Breaking the cycle of procrastination requires recognizing the pain-pleasure paradox for what it is and consciously choosing to prioritize our long-term goals over short-term rewards. This may involve setting specific, achievable goals for ourselves, breaking tasks into smaller steps, or finding ways to make the task more enjoyable. Ultimately, it comes down to recognizing that while procrastination may bring temporary pleasure, it ultimately leads to greater pain in the form of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

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Jason Wright
Thy Dreamdom Come-Living Your Ideal Future In The Present Day

They think they have to have enough money to buy the special equipment their dream entails. Adam Yout, one of the original Beastie Boys made his first synthesizer with old recording parts before he’d ever sold an album.  

Just because an activity you enjoy is not paying the bills today doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it with the hope and belief it one day might. On days I have a Vitruvian Letter to write and just don’t want to do it the future pulls me to the keyboard. I believe there will be a day when the deadline is real and my income is affected by taking the time to write. Therefore, I treat it like a deadline today. 

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Jason Wright
Joy and The Happy Han Man

t was 2003 and I was dying. No. I mean it. I was risking death. I had been hiking through the foothills of the Himalayas on my first ever mission trip. Over the course of three days I had weaved through leech infested goat trails, dehydrated and lost 15 lbs.

The two guys I was hiking with were ahead of me. The three of us were making our way to a small hillside farm. My vision was blurry. My mind was hazy. My tongue was sticky and fat.

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Jason Wright
The ABC's of Increasing Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testosterone is an important hormone in the body that plays a role in a wide range of functions including sex drive and muscle growth. Low testosterone levels can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, low libido, and decreased muscle mass. Fortunately, there are some natural methods that can help increase your testosterone levels. Here are five tips for naturally increasing your testosterone levels:

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Jason Wright